As a leading online betting service provider, Jili123 Casino prioritizes protecting customer privacy. This comprehensive Privacy Policy outlines our commitment to safeguarding your personal information.

Jili123’s Privacy Policy

Jili123 Casino strictly adheres to privacy and data protection regulations. We ensure that all customer information remains confidential and is used solely for service-related purposes.

Protection of Personal Data

We collect personal information during account registration, support requests, and promotions. This includes name, email, phone number, address, and date of birth. We do not disclose this information to third parties except in the following circumstances:

  • Legal or government requests
  • Protection of Jili123 Casino’s rights and property
  • Safeguarding customer rights and property

Technological Security Measures

We employ advanced security measures to protect customer information from unauthorized access, loss, or misuse. Only authorized employees with a need to know have access to personal data and must adhere to strict security protocols.

Committed to protecting customer privacy

Jili123 Casino is dedicated to protecting customer privacy through the following principles:

  • Non-disclosure of personal information to third parties
  • Use of personal information solely for service provision
  • Secure storage of personal information
  • Regular updates and protection of personal information


Jili123 Casino recognizes the importance of customer privacy and is committed to its protection. Our Privacy Policy ensures the confidentiality and safe use of your personal information. For any inquiries or concerns, please get in touch with our customer support team.

We appreciate your trust and confidence in Jili123 Casino. We continuously enhance our security measures and privacy protections to provide a secure and enjoyable gaming experience.